Covenant Presbytery

Welcome to Covenant Presbytery. We hope this site is a valuable resource.

Ministry Transitions


  • Teaching Elder Jonathan Keenan was transferred to Pacific Presbytery where he will be accepting a call as the RUF Campus minister for USC-Santa Barbara.
  • Teaching Elder John Crosby transferred in from South East Presbytery (EPC) and is being called as the new RUF Campus minister for RUF Memphis.
  • Mr. Scott Davis was received into Covenant Presbytery having successfully completed his ordination trials and has accepted the call as Pastor of Hope Church in Hot Springs, AR.
  • Mr. Adam Brokaw (Licentiate) completed his ordination trials and has accepted the call of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Cleveland, MS to be an Assistant Pastor.
  • TE Chris Accardy has accepted a call as bi-vocational pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Grenada, MS.
  • TE Chris Treat’s call was changed to designate him as bi-vocational as he serves as Parks and Recreation Director for Bryant, AR.
  • TE Bill Gleason has asked to dissolve his pastoral relationship with First Presbyterian Church in Clarksdale, MS and to remain on the rolls of Covenant Presbytery as “without call”.


  • Mr. Ian Kayser, a new candidate of Covenant Presbytery, was licensed in our presbytery and is currently working at Westminster PC in Greenwood, MS. He also is beginning his official internship with TE Richard Owens serving as his mentor. Mr. Kayser expects to complete his ordination trials in October.


  • Mr. Jay Sawrie, candidate, was given permission to begin his official internship with TE Kevin Hale serving as his mentor.